
I have a fridge magnet that reads: “Dull women have immaculate houses”.  When running a household and you have to prioritise between keeping your kids fed and sorting the pile of clean laundry in the middle of the bedroom floor, it’s obvious what wins.  However, for most working Mums when we look at a pile of laundry on the floor, each time we walk past it a small voice inside us says something like “Yep, you haven’t done that either”.  This section is to help silence that voice through making small changes that can make a big difference to the state of your home, and therefore your sanity.

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Inspiring Working Mums

Sometimes we all need a little inspiration. Here you can read amazing advice from inspiring Working Mums who are also juggling their career, family and time for themselves.

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This section covers tips for connecting with your kids (despite not always being around), dealing with school admin and raising awesome kids.

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Looking after You

When it comes to priorities, many working Mums juggle work and family and their own health and well-being is a very distant third.  I’ve read several articles over the years about how to manage being a working Mum and they typically give the same advice each time: that you should “put yourself first” and “prioritise having ‘me time'”.  Each time I read these phrases I cringe.  I absolutely agree that we should do this, but without following these comments up with practical advice on how to do it, over time each of these articles has left me feeling a bit helpless.  I knew what I should do, I just didn’t know how to.  This section will give you practical solutions so you can focus on looking after you.

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The challenges with feeding your kids and you are a little different when you work.  You pick your kids up from child-care or after school care and by the time you get home, you usually have about 10 minutes to get some food into them or else you risk a hangry meltdown.  This section will give you the practical shortcuts you need to make quick and nutrious meals for you and your family.

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Many working Mums swear by outsourcing where they can.  Obviously this depends a lot on your budget as to how far you can go with this, but this section covers practical ways to access both paid and “free” (you don’t pay money, but usually involves an exchange of some sort) outsourcing.

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Before kids, it's relatively easy to work whatever hours you need to in the office to get your work done.  However, once kids come along there's a whole new challenge: how do you get your work done, and even progress your career, when you know you need to leave work before 5pm most days or work part-time?  This section shares how successful career women, who are also Mums, have made it work and other practical advice so you can still thrive in your career.

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