best work books

I love to read. However, I don’t read in a conventional way – you can read about my love of Audible and Blinkist on this website to find out how I fit reading in. I only read non-fiction (I’m a self-confessed nerd) and use reading as a way to grow and be better at my job.

Last year for Christmas I gave each of my direct reports one of my best work books.

These were the best work books that have influenced me the most over the years and I thought could help them too. I read paper copies of these, but you can find audio versions of them too. That said, I love having paper copies of these 6 books as I have dog-eared and underlined them so much!

Here are the best work books I gave them

1. “The 4 hour work week” by Tim Ferriss. This book changed the way I think about work. I now focus on outcomes and not hours in the office. I’m often asked how I fit so much into my life and about work / life balance – I owe most of the credit to the philosophies in this book

2. “The monk who sold his Ferrari”. I couldn’t put this book down! It’s a fable about how to live a good life and what can give you energy to do everything you need and want to do in life

3. “Let my people go surfing”. This book is by the Founder of Patagonia (outdoor wear company) and his unconventional leadership style and business philosophies. It’s helped me shape how I lead my team at work

4. “The barefoot investor” by Scott Pape. I believe that – as busy as we all are – it’s SO critical to focus on your finances for now through to retirement. More importantly, Scott’s book is a simple step by step guide to having control of your finances

5. “Don’t fence me in” by Wendy McCarthy. Wendy was instrumental in many women’s rights wins in Australia over the past 50 years, such as women having access to The Pill and not needing their husband’s consent anymore for access to drugs during childbirth. Many of us have a lot to thank Wendy for …

6. “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. This isn’t a business book, but a book about life and making a difference for others. It’s a true story about a College professor who is terminally ill and the lessons he imparts on the author, a former student of his. Warning: tissues are a must when reading the ending …

These are the best work books that have influenced how I operate at work.  Enjoy!


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